Harry Hope

Harry Hope in the Fall of 2008

Harry Hope in the Fall of 2008

In the Fall of 2008, Harry Hope was inducted into the AME Hall of Fame for his involvement in the aviation industry.  Harry Hope has received numerous awards for his contribution to both his company, Hope Aero Propeller, and the Aviation community.  The plaque for this award can be viewed below:

Hall of Fame Award

Hall of Fame Award

The plaque reads as follows:


Georgetown, Ontario

Harry Hope was born in Lashburn, Saskatchewan on July 13, 1931. The family left the farm in 1941 to live in Vancouver and then Langley, B.C. where he received his pilot’s license. At that time, he had heard that Edmonton was the Aviation Capital of Canada and moved there in 1952 to pursue his interest. His first employment was at Western Propeller Co. Ltd. where he started straightening propeller blades. As this was during the Korean conflict, he realized the importance proper maintenance played in aviation.

Shortly thereafter, the DEW (Distance Early Warning) Line played an important part in Canada’s history and Western Propeller made the decision to move to Winnipeg in 1958, to support their DEW line customers. Harry was a willing and qualified candidate having received his “P” License. (Propeller License). Also during this time, Harry ferried Champion aircraft from the factory in Osceola, Wisconsin to Winnipeg and Edmonton.

Harry retired from Hope Aero in September 2001 after 50 years of being involved in aviation.

–   Harry received the Gordon B. Rayner Award in 1993.  This award is in recognition of a Canadian whose career will always remain outstanding as an aircraft maintenance engineer, a teacher, and a public servant.

–  He has served on various advisory boards involved with Transport Canada.

–  Harry held many volunteer positions within aviation including being a founding Director and later, President of the Ontario AME Association.

–  He received the Clare Leavens Award in 1990.  This award is presented for outstanding contribution and service to the AME Association of Ontario.

–  Harry is also a past President of Worldwide Aircraft Propeller Association.

Harry now enjoys being a member of the local Rotary Club and has made several trips with Rotary International on humanitarian missions.

Harry receiving his award

Harry receiving his award

One Response to “Harry Hope”

  1. Salman Ahmed Says:

    Dear Mr Harry
    Good Day
    I am basically a Graduate Mechanical Engineer with Specialization in Marine Engineering, acting as Director Technical Ciros Enterprises. By virtue of nature of my business for sourcing of variety of Military / Civil/Industrial / new ship building technology equipments, need to do extensive research to identify professional and reliable manufacturers. It is my habit when I visit some company’s website I always read History and Bibliography of founder of company. When ever I read the history of Honorable and respectable personalities like you, It really boost my moral and ambitions. How a Farm Boy back ground boy becomes Pilot and serves aviation industry for 50 years with excellence, having lot of awards and honors in his credit is really a source of inspiration for other to emulate and proud full for the family.
    I am really very impressed with your career achievements.
    May God Bless you with good health and prosper your company.
    Best Regards
    Salman Ahmed
    Director Technical
    Ciros Enterprises

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